How our work friends see us, and why it matters
Research shows that work friendships matter. But in a hybrid or remote world, we need to be intentional in making time and space to build these relationships.
How to work through heartache
When we experience a state of shock or upset in our work or our life, it impacts our whole self. In the midst of heartache, how do we keep going? Dr. Ari Hall of Full Stack Psychology offers up three research-based executive functioning tips for accessing motivation and focus
We don’t need more flexibility
When we talk about work-life balance, flexibility is considered the golden ticket. But do we really want more flexibility or more agency in our work lives?
The Pause
A pause is an intentional period of self-reflection and a slowing down to go inward. It is allowing feelings to bubble up. It is reflecting on what we know about ourselves, our experiences, our lives at this moment – and using that information in a way that meaningfully impacts our career decisions.
3 steps to prepare for a job or career change
Preparing for a job search or career transition can feel like a mountain we need to climb by ourselves, but it does not have to feel that way. You also don't have to take on the mantle of “translating my skillset” alone.
Set yourself up for success on what is ultimately a meaningful project of realizing your career power. And anytime you are feeling at your most stuck, remember: go outward, not on the internet.
The stories we tell ourselves
The stories we tell ourselves about our work and career are filled with self-doubt and uncertainty when we’re stuck. But there’s a way to flip the script!
How I Negotiated an Almost 10% Raise
When I recently got a promotion at my job, I knew it was on me to negotiate a raise to go along with it. I also knew that asking for a raise wasn’t gonna do it; I needed to mandate that raise. Sure, it helps that I’m a trained lawyer and so confrontation isn’t something I shy away from, but preparing yourself for this kind of negotiation can be done by anyone. And if you’re a former good girl, you definitely know how to prepare.
Getting to the root of our work pain
When we’re struggling or burnt out at work, we may try to get out of it by looking for the quickest remedy, like finding a new job or going back to school. But sometimes, we need to get to the root of our chronic work pain in order to find a true cure.
When you feel like a mess
Sometimes we need to wade through the muck to figure out what’s next for our career. Start with these three steps.
Learning how to recognize and reframe self-doubt
We all know it. We all have it. It’s that critical voice in your head that seems to pop up just to make you doubt yourself. Unless we’re able to hear this voice with a discerning ear, it sounds like it’s your voice – except it’s affirming all of the negative thoughts and beliefs we already have about ourselves.
So, how do we get rid of it? Well, we don’t. Instead, we begin to recognize it and reframe our relationship.
Getting to the root causes of “Quiet Quitting”
Quiet Quitting has been labeled as the newest labor market crisis. Half of our workforce is feeling disengaged, but rather than pointing fingers, this is a call to get curious about the bigger and unique issues facing our organizations.
Feeling stuck in your career? 5 steps to move forward
We often feel like we’re stuck in our careers, defined by what our resumes say about us or based on the jobs we see available. Instead, we have the opportunity to take an expansive approach, starting with defining where we want to spend our time and energy.
How leaders build trust in hard times
In response to the Roe v. Wade decision, I grappled with whether to acknowledge it with my clients. But leaders build trust in hard times when they create space for vulnerability and allow people to process deeply personal experiences. Learn how to build trust during these hard times.
Coming face-to-face with true leadership
The job I had taken with enthusiasm and excitement – to immerse myself in a new field, to have impact at a large scale, to be innovative and scale a major initiative – was now a source of pain.
How to Rewrite Your Resumé in 2024
Ok, hear me out. Resumes are supposed to capture all the best, most impressive things about ourselves on one page, maybe two. Can you ever whittle down a person’s worth and potential to one measly page? No.