
Feeling stuck? Anxious about a new role?

Try coaching! Coaching is asking powerful questions to create movement and spur generative thought. It is guiding a person to their own inner power, wisdom and possibility.

Consulting is addressing a problem by also asking strategic, open-ended questions and providing resources, thought partnership and recommendations.

At Reframe, we believe coaching and consulting go hand in hand.

Work through challenges and navigate career transitions with a coach who’s been there.

Individual Coaching & Consulting

Coaching is tailored to where you are in your career and is designed to support you in figuring out what comes next. I work mainly with mid-career professionals (however you define it) who are ready to make a change. Or, with anyone stepping into a leadership position who would benefit from some coaching and consultation during the transition.

What you’ll gain:

  • Clarification on short-term and long-term career goals

  • Action planning to move towards those goals

  • Greater self-awareness and ownership of your unique strengths

  • Ability to translate your unique capabilities and feel good expressing them

  • Confidence in your career path


  • Personal strengths-based assessments

  • 3 - 6 individualized coaching sessions

  • Resume review, interview prep or authentic networking support

  • Curated professional development resources

How we work together:

  • One 50-minute coaching session, every other week, for approximately three months

  • Via Zoom or in-person for Seattle-based clients