Why Reframe?

 Reframe Career & Leadership Believes

  • No one is as invested in your career as you are, because no one is as invested in your life as you are

  • Investing in our careers is a radical act of care for ourselves, our families and our communities

  • Everyone deserves to thrive at work

  • Organizations benefit when their people are engaged, feel valued and are at their best emotionally and mentally

  • Our world needs more values-driven leaders

About 10 years into my career in public policy I realized I was burnt out. Not just because I was working crazy hours – but because my work wasn’t aligned with my values. I was doing what I thought I should do – yet still thinking I was failing.

I’m Julie.

So, I took a leap to figure out what came next. And it felt really uncomfortable.

I went out and starting talking to people. In coffee shops, over meals and via phone. I asked people “How did you get where you are?” and found out that the most accomplished people I knew felt like they had fallen into their career – or – were still waiting to get “there”. In the process, I learned that no one has all the answers and that careers are not linear. I also realized that much as we may try to separate work and life – they’re inextricably connected. The idea that anyone could be unhappy at work but happy in life is a fallacy. There is simply no way for your mind and body to be miserable 40+ hours a week and it not have an impact on your quality of life.

I also reflected on what I care about, what I enjoy and where those pieces met in a way that could pay the bills. I pivoted to organizational development and leadership because I believe we need more empathetic and values driven leaders and organizations in this world. I believe we need more individuals and more organizations – public, private, not-for-profit – who lead from values. I also believe that leaders are not titles – but that everyone can and often does – lead in their life.

Through these conversations I realized how much I enjoy listening to and learning about other people’s careers. I was struck by how many people at the middle stages of their career were questioning their path. As a consultant, I conducted interviews with professionals across all fields and facilitated team retreats with CEOs and executives. So many of the people in leadership positions had access to private coaching to support them in their leadership journey. I thought about all the mid-career people questioning their path, what was out there for them?

I decided to design and launch my workshop series, “Make Your 40 Hours Count”, an 8-hour group facilitated course – spread out over 3 sessions – with a small group of people in different industries and roles. 

From there, I continued to listen, learn and collaborate with smart and curious people while building a business that meets the needs of mid-career professionals. I believe we all deserve to thrive at work.

Don’t you?